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Tuesday, August 16

August 16, 2022

Here is an example of a Paypal Buynow Post for your website store #OwnYourOwnDomain

If you want help with the ins and outs of setting up, Holla! 

Website Services

Wednesday, August 10

August 10, 2022

#Algorithms change, policy's change, people change, but your #Domain can remain the same. - Sharing reasons why having your own #website is the present and the Future...

There are a lot of amazing Content Creators. 

It's not hard to see that the pandemic has brought out the creators, makers, and business minds. A scroll through Esty, FB/IG, Youtube, TikToK, will easily show that as they are all shoved in our algorithms. 

Some people have been able to profit from the lottery that is the algorithm. Some people have a massed a huge following and WE👏 ARE 👏HERE👏FOR 👏 IT👏
Small businesses, supporting unique people, places or things, through social media is, and, has been great. 
However, when you go to the links in the bios of these amazing creators, people, or businesses, you will often find linklists to other social media platforms. If not the latter than they have setup sites that they share their name and content with for example. 

Here are the usual answers I receive when I ask,

"Why don't they have a website?" 

  • 👍I don't need one 
    • It's just me
    • I'm just starting
    • I'm not selling anything
  • You don't have to be a business to have a website
    • Social Media Platforms change with Trends, Myspace, FB/IG,TIKTOK, but your domain remains yours.
  • Branding your NAME is important when starting anything
    • Having a website/email and social media with all the same name is key for branding
  • Your content is valuable 
    • You don't need to sell or offer a service to have a website, social media is social blogging. A domain or website gives you a home instead of renting space on other peoples platforms.
  • 💸Money
    • Weekly/Monthly/ Annual fees for services is too much for my small business
  • Google Domains is $12/yr incl. email
    • Integrates with google services
      • adsense
      • analytics
      • firebase + more
    • Blogger
    • Googlesites
  • 💻Knowledge and🕚Time
    • Don't know how to run a Website
    • It will take too much time to learn something new
  • If you have social media, you can run your website.
    • Especially if you was an HTML myspacer.... #Itme
  • Social Media owns your accts and information. 
    • Your account can be terminated 
    • Ideas/Intellectual property is stolen easier
    • Social media makes money from YOU and YOUR content
      • privatize and monetize that
  • 👪People are on social media
    • I need to be where the people are
Me: The Composer must turn their backs to the crowd in order to lead the Orchestra  
    • If you build it they will come 😎
    • You have what your audience is looking for, you are the plug🔌and a website is the direct link.
    • MONETIZE your website and your audience becomes $🤑
  • Social Media should be like a commercial, or billboard, to direct traffic to your website.
    • The meat of your content should be not be accessible outside of your website
    • Share from your site to outside media platforms other than FB/IG
It can feel overwhelming to search for something that you once found on a scroll. 
You want to go back and read or see what you happened to scroll by, but can't find it. 
Algorithms change, policy's change, people change.
Do you know how many social platform logins I have created trying to keep up with people?
Too many to count.
If you have something that the people want, you should have a place the people can find you, no matter what changes. 
That place doesn't have to be fancy, look at FB/IG they are clean, simple to the point. Make a space that feels like you and your audience will be happy there. 

*Side note for people worried about SEO or Search Engine Optimization  it's just like # hashtags but without the hashtags. From the domain destination ex. .club . life .furniture; to what you are writing in the descriptions and posting on your site. It will happen organically as web crawlers find you over time. 

Wednesday, August 3

August 03, 2022

How to have a #WEBSITE for $12/yr #Hosting your #Domain for Free99 using #Blogger by #Google

If you have decided to use Google Domains and purchased your dot "whateveryoucallyourself", now it's time to setup hosting. 

Here are some hosting sites Google domains streamlines with; WIX, Shopify, Wordpress, Firebase, Blogger, Google sites.... 
You can also forward your domain to a site that you already have as well. (I don't recommend, but you can)

-Don't get me wrong, you will get what you pay or work for. Of course there will be features and highlights other platforms can offer you and YOU WILL PAY FOR IT.-

I'm just showing you one way to get up and running without hurting your bottom line. 

Google sites is a new feature offered through google domains. I haven't used it myself but is what it says, SIMPLE. I will post about it later as I am still learning the ins and outs for you. The big take away is that it is a free service.

As stated before, YOU have the service or product people want, so your people will go where YOU send them! To often small business struggle because their FB/IG or Third party service is hacked or their content is pulled due to haters flagging posts.

AAAANNNNND....Lets be clear if you are doing something egregiously wrong, your website can be shut down as well.

We know big intranet does not care about YOU and all your hard work, they can and have, easily erased. 

These third party pimps (T.T.P) only care about what you bring to them, and how much they can make from your intellectual property.

Instead of sending your traffic, hard work and ideas to someone else's street (Domain) and Home (site), use the T.P.P. to find and point YOUR people to YOUR dot "wahateveryoucallyourself".

For now we are working with BLOGGER for our hosting.

Blogger of course has it's own template themes. If you are currently using FB/IG for your business then this is a seamless fit for you. If you don't mind them they are readily available for you to use.  You can find tools to decorate and personalize your "blog" to your liking on the Layout tab and Theme tabs.

As we discussed in the Domain post, templates and services usually come with limitations and or CO$T$.

Since I am not paying a monthly fee for hosting and design, I use the money I save to I pay for things that I have found much more beneficial. 

For example a premade personalized blogger template. This provides a professional look and coding for a ONE time fee.

Again there are different prices for different features or designs, I personally have never paid more than $12.95 

Here are the sites I use....

I suggest taking the time to browse and find the right fit for you and your business.

In the next post I will share add-ons like social media sharing tools and a store.

Once you have purchased the Template from one of these sites, you will receive the setup instructions. Here is an example of their set up.

Basic Setup
  1. Template Installation
  2. Logo Setup
  3. Template Setting
  4. Shortcodes & Markups v2.0
  5. Create Sitemap

I'm an ELDER Millennial

As far as the internet goes, I have been through; DOS. AOL/MSN CDroms, chat rooms and party lines, Yahoo, Stickam, Myspace, MyspaceMusic, Twitter, Yelp, Foursquare, Friendster, Blogger, Tumblr, G+, Facebook and all the pages, Pinterest, Redit, Instagram.
Somewhere in between Myspace, Twitter and FB, about 12yrs ago, I thought to myself, why don't I have my own site? 
If you can post on social media you can run your own site and get paid for it, IF you are consistent.  Adsense monetization it is already integrated to your site with blogger and your google account, the one I suggested you established for your business, in the last domain. It works much like YouTube once you have traffic to your site, set up the adsense account or link an existing one, post, engage, and get paid. 

*If you need help for rates